In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to become lost in a job that no longer brings joy or fulfilment; if this is you, don’t worry—you aren’t alone. Many individuals are stuck in unfulfilling roles, bringing work stress home and worrying about the impacts of job changes. We all know the struggle. 

On top of this, searching for a new job can feel like an endless cycle of applications with no results, leaving you overwhelmed, especially if you have been unemployed for an extended period or are just starting out, where anxiety and mental health also start to make their presence known. Toxic bosses and workplace environments can further erode your identity and self-worth.

But there is hope...

What if the key to landing that dream job isn't just a killer CV? 

What if it's about rediscovering the vibrant you buried beneath the weight of a toxic work environment or a long period of unemployment?

The good news is, it's entirely possible. Here's how I help my clients reclaim their identity and head into the job hunt with renewed confidence: 

1. You Are More Than Your Job Title:
A recent study by Indeed found that 72% of workers felt their job didn't fully utilise their skills and talents. Feeling empty often comes from disconnecting between ourselves and what we do.

So start looking at the following.

  • Values: What truly matters to you in your career? Is it work-life balance, creativity, or making a positive impact?
  • Skills: Go beyond the resume. What are your natural talents and hidden strengths?
  • Passions: What fires you up outside of work? Can these passions translate into career paths you haven't considered?
Try journaling your thoughts or using tools like my Discover Your Career Archetype.

2. Rekindle Old Flames (and Discover New Ones):
Long periods of unemployment or a toxic work environment can dim our inner light, so it is essential to reconnect with the things that brought you joy:

  • Hobbies: Did you abandon a creative outlet? Why not pick it back up, even if it's just for a few minutes daily?
  • Volunteering: Giving back is a fantastic way to develop new skills, meet new people, and feel a sense of purpose.
  • Learning: Spark curiosity with online courses, workshops, or joining a book club.
Schedule time in your diary to dedicate to this

3. The Power of Community:
Feeling isolated can exacerbate feelings of worthlessness. Help your clients build a support network:

  • Reconnect with old friends: Surround themselves with positive people who value you for who you are.
  • Professional groups: Join online communities or attend events to connect with others in your field.
  • Mentorship: Seek guidance from someone who has walked a similar path.
4. Celebrate the Small Wins:
The road to rediscovery is paved with small steps. It is important to celebrate every accomplishment, no matter how seemingly insignificant:

  • Mastering a new skill: Did you finally take that course you have been putting off for a while?
  • Finishing a creative project: Perhaps you have a creative passion, like reading or painting, that you haven’t touched for a while.  Go back to it.
  • Networking with one new person: Stepping outside your comfort zone deserves recognition!
5. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care
Mindfulness and self-care practices can help you stay grounded and reduce stress.

  • Learn or restart techniques: Yoga and meditation are just some ways to find yourself.
  • Download apps or music that can help: Find meditation apps to help you meditate regularly.
  • Take a course: Some individuals, like myself, help you reconnect with yourself again, and working with these organisations can lead to a deeper understanding of what you can offer.
  • Subscribe to Newsletters or Blogs: Newsletters or blogs can often offer suggestions on practising mindfulness, like my weekly one (Subscribe Here), which offers tips and meditations.
You may wonder what all of this has to do with finding a role, but by rediscovering your passions, strengths, and values, you will approach the job hunt not just with a CV but with a renewed sense of self. You’ll be more confident, clear about what you want, and ready to attract opportunities that align with the unique person you indeed are. 

Remember, a fulfilling career starts with a fulfilling you.

If you're ready to take the first step towards transforming your career journey, I'm here, ready to listen, guide, and walk this path with you. Reach out and let's rekindle your career passion together. Remember, in the narrative of your life, you're the protagonist, and it's time your career reflects the full spectrum of your brilliance.


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