A survey by Personnel Today conducted last year revealed that 50% of those surveyed had experienced imposter syndrome at some point in their lives. Out of that 50%, an overwhelming 72% felt that it impacted their lives. Interestingly, when breaking down the figures, 68% were Gen Z, and 58% were Millennials. It's no surprise that these generations are struggling with anxiety, especially if they are experiencing imposter syndrome at such levels.
If this resonates with you, know that you are not alone. In this blog post, we will discuss imposter syndrome and provide actionable tips to combat it, ensuring you can build a successful career.

Understanding Imposter Syndrome

So what exactly is imposter syndrome, and how does it impact your daily life? Imposter syndrome is the feeling of not being good enough or the fear of being perceived as a fraud. You might have the skills but still feel inadequate compared to your colleagues, family, or more successful people around you.
For example, I remember early in my career being called into the director's office just six months into a new role and being asked to apply for the team leader position. Despite having managed a team before, I felt overwhelmed and unqualified because I had only been with the company for six months. I ended up not securing the role due to my lack of confidence, even though I clearly had the leadership skills needed.

How to Combat Imposter Syndrome

Here are six strategies to overcome imposter syndrome and regain your self-belief:

1. Take a Career Discovery Quiz 

Start by taking my free career discovery archetype quiz. This tool can help you understand where you fit in and give you a foundation to build on.

2. Compile a Skills and Experiences Document 

List your skills, experiences, rewards, and recognitions. This might include anything from school achievements to professional accolades. Reflect on and document even your small achievements.

3. Seek External Feedback
Ask friends, family, and colleagues what they think you bring to the table. Often, they provide insights into your strengths that you might overlook.

4. Embrace Your Unique Qualities
Understand that your experiences and skills make you unique. For instance, I helped a young man who had numerous part-time jobs since the age of 14 but struggled to get responses from job applications. We revamped his CV to highlight his diverse experiences, and he soon received multiple job offers.

5. Practice Self-Affirmations

Regularly remind yourself of your capabilities. Positive affirmations can shift your mindset from feeling inadequate to feeling empowered.

6. Learn and Improve
Identify areas where you feel less confident and take steps to improve. Remember, knowledge can be acquired, and learning is a continuous process.

A Deeper Dive into Imposter Syndrome

While the above strategies are a great starting point, understanding the root causes of imposter syndrome can provide additional clarity and pathways to overcome it. Imposter syndrome often stems from early childhood experiences, cultural expectations, and societal pressures.

Childhood Experiences

Early experiences play a significant role in shaping our self-perception. Children who are excessively praised for their intelligence rather than their efforts might develop a fixed mindset, leading them to avoid challenges for fear of failure. Conversely, those who are criticised harshly may develop a deep-seated belief that they are never good enough.

Cultural Expectations

Cultural background can also influence the prevalence of imposter syndrome. In some cultures, modesty and humility are highly valued, leading individuals to downplay their achievements and doubt their abilities. This cultural conditioning can create a fertile ground for imposter syndrome to thrive.

Societal Pressures

In today's hyper-competitive society, the pressure to succeed and the constant comparison to others can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy. Social media platforms, where people often showcase the best versions of their lives, can further amplify these feelings. It’s essential to remember that what we see online is often a curated reality and not the complete picture.

Building a Support System

Having a robust support system can make a significant difference in managing imposter syndrome. Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people who believe in your abilities. Mentorship can also play a crucial role. A mentor can provide guidance, share their experiences, and help you navigate through your career challenges.

Seeking Professional Help

Sometimes, the feelings associated with imposter syndrome can be overwhelming and persistent. In such cases, seeking professional help from a therapist or counsellor can be beneficial. Therapy can provide you with tools and techniques to manage anxiety, build self-esteem, and develop a healthier self-image.

Final Thoughts

Imposter syndrome can significantly hinder your career progress, but it is not insurmountable. By taking proactive steps, like those listed above, you can combat those feelings of inadequacy and build the confidence needed to succeed.

I'd love to hear about your experiences with imposter syndrome. What has worked for you, and where do you need help? Share your thoughts in the comments. Also, please share it with anyone you know who might be struggling with imposter syndrome. 

Let’s make a difference in our careers and let our confidence shine through!
If you're ready to take the first step towards transforming your career journey, I'm here, ready to listen, guide, and walk this path with you. Reach out and let's rekindle your career passion together. Remember, in the narrative of your life, you're the protagonist, and it's time your career reflects the full spectrum of your brilliance.


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